Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Calm Blues in A: GrassRoots G-SE 50R Candy Apple Red Guitar Demo

Grassroots SE-50R Vintage Classic Alder Candy Apple Red Electric Guitar 

The Grassroots SE guitars has a Stratocaster vintage classic body shape. The new user friendly neck radius gives players more comfort and speed plus allows the guitarist easier access to high fret solos. A fast neck, Grassroots designed Stratocaster vintage classic body with a single pickups and selected solid Alder body make give these guitars well balanced sound and extreme playability. 

Grassroots SE-50R Vintage Classic Alder Candy Apple Red 


BODY Alder 

NECK Hard Maple 

FINGERBOARD Rosewood, 22-frets 

SCALE 648mm 

JOINT Bolt-on 

BRIDGE Synchronized Tremolo Type 

(Neck) GS-1G
(Bridge) GS-1G 

CONTROLS Master Volume knob, 2 Tone knob, 5-way Lever PU Selector
TUNERS: Vintage
HARDWARE : Platinum 

50,000yen (Without TAX) 

FB Page: Ahad is One 

Halim, Jakarta, Indonesia. 

WhatsApp: +62 8561 772 722 


Jika mau berdagang dg jujur, mk Allaah SWT akan mdatangkan rizq dr arah yg tdk dsangka2 bkn dari apa yg kita jual.. dmkian arahan Baginda Rasulullaah SAW. 

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